Cover for a Bowl with Seven Treasures

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Did You Know?

At the center of the lid is a knob in the shape of a peach with a stem and leaves.


While porcelain was their primary specialization, all the members of the Seifū studio also made stoneware painted with iron oxide designs under the glaze and with color enamel and gold over the glaze. Many examples are further characterized by pink dots brought out during firing and by crackling in the glaze. Works of this type are classified as Kyoto ware, after the city where the style developed. People used the ceramics for a diversity of purposes, from everyday dining to chanoyu, or Japanese tea practice.
Cover for a Bowl with Seven Treasures

Cover for a Bowl with Seven Treasures


Seifū Yohei II

(Japanese, 1844–1878)
Japan, Edo period (1615–1868)

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