Tea Set with Chinese Landscapes

c. 1893–1914

Seifū Yohei III 三代清風与平

(Japanese, 1851–1914)
teapot height with lid: 9.2 cm (3 5/8 in.); width with handle: 11.2 cm (4 7/16 in.); hot water cooler: 5.4 x 11.9 x 7.4 cm (2 1/8 x 4 11/16 x 2 15/16 in.); (each) drinking cup: 5 x 8.5 cm (1 15/16 x 3 3/8 in.)
Location: not on view
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This tea set with idyllic lakeside Chinese landscapes has a side-handled pot called a kyūsu, used for steeping, straining, and serving tea. Unlike some others, this set also has a yuzamashi, a container used to cool boiled water to just the right temperature for the best flavor when steeping. Seifū Yohei III’s painting teacher, Tanomura Chokunyū (1814–1907), made a visual record of famous sencha events that shows how these kinds of porcelains fit with objects such as a stove and kettle to form a complete set of utensils for tea preparation, and with ensembles of decorative objects meant to inspire creativity
Tea Set with Chinese Landscapes

Tea Set with Chinese Landscapes

c. 1893–1914

Seifū Yohei III

(Japanese, 1851–1914)
Japan, Meiji period (1868–1912)

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