Rostro con peces, Shipibo Conibo, Pucallpa, Peru

1996, printed 1999
(Peruvian, b. 1949)
Image: 34 x 34.5 cm (13 3/8 x 13 9/16 in.); Paper: 50.4 x 40.5 cm (19 13/16 x 15 15/16 in.)
Edition: edition 11/25
Location: not on view
This artwork is known to be under copyright.

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Did You Know?

This woman is part Shipibo-Konibo, an Indigenous people who live along the Ucayali River in Peru’s Amazon rain forest.


One of Peru’s most important contemporary photographers, Javier Silva Meinel has been photographing the Indigenous people in the Sierra and Amazon regions of Peru since the 1970s. He seeks, in his images, to evoke the spiritual beliefs of the Andean people. Pucallpa is a major port on the Ucayali River. The Shipibo and Konibo used to be two separate groups but merged through intermarriage. Shipibo means “apemen” and Konibo “fishmen.”
Rostro con peces, Shipibo Conibo, Pucallpa, Peru

Rostro con peces, Shipibo Conibo, Pucallpa, Peru

1996, printed 1999

Javier Silva Meinel

(Peruvian, b. 1949)

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